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One hundred years ago Dr. Maria Montessori, one of Italy's first female physicians, inspired the birth of a worldwide educational movement while caring for mentally challenged children in a clinic in Rome. Combining sensory-rich environments and hands on techniques to reach children previously labeled deficient and insane, she found overwhelming success and within two years all the children passed Italy's standardized public school tests.

With a scientific background to guide her, she opened a children’s house for preschool children and observed they learned best when engaged in purposeful activity rather than simply being fed information. She drew upon her clinical understanding of children's cognitive growth and development in constructing an educational framework that would respect individuality and fulfill the needs of the "whole child." Dr. Montessori's pioneering work created a blueprint that are the ultimate goal of today's educational reform movement. Montessori, a two time Nobel peace Prize nominee, became widely recognized as being ahead of her time. Today, thousands of Montessori schools are in the U.S. including hundreds of programs in public and charter schools, where enrollment often results in long waiting lists. Remarkably, her visionary ideas remain viable concepts that have profoundly influenced the entire professional landscape.

Questions & Answers

What is the difference between Montessori and traditional education? 


Montessori emphasizes learning through all five senses, not just through  listening, watching, or reading. Children in Montessori classes learn  at their  own, individual pace and according to their own choice of activities from  hundreds of possibilities. Learning is an exciting process of discovery, leading  to concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and a love of learning. Montessori classes place children in three-year age groups (3-6, 6-9, 9-12, and so on), forming communities in which the older children spontaneously share their knowledge with the younger ones. Montessori represents an entirely different approach to education. 


Can I do Montessori at home with my child?

Yes, you can use Montessori  principles of child development at home. Look at your home through your child's  eyes. Children need a sense of belonging, and they get it by participating fully  in the routines of everyday life. "Help me do it by myself" is the life theme of  the preschooler. Can you find ways for your child to participate in meal  preparation, cleaning, gardening, caring for clothes, shoes, and toys? Providing  opportunities for independence is the surest way to build your child's self-esteem. 


 Is Montessori good for children with learning disabilities? What about gifted children? 

 Montessori is designed to help all children reach  their fullest potential at their own unique pace. A classroom whose children  have varying abilities is a community in which everyone learns from one another  and everyone contributes. Moreover, multiage grouping allows each child to find  his or her own pace without feeling "ahead" or "behind" in  relation to peers. 

Are Montessori children successful later in life?


Research studies  show that Montessori children are well prepared for later life  academically,  socially, and emotionally. In addition to scoring well on standardized tests,  Montessori children are ranked above average on such criteria as following  directions, turning in work on time, listening attentively, using basic skills,  showing responsibility, asking provocative questions, showing enthusiasm for  learning, and adapting to new situations. 


What special training do Montessori teachers have? 

As with the choice of a Montessori school for children, an adult must also exercise wisdom in choosing a teacher training course. Anyone can legally use the name  "Montessori" in describing their teacher training organization. One must be sure  the certification earned is recognized by the school where one desires to teach.
The two major organizations offering Montessori training in the  United States are the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI, with a U.S.  branch office called AMI-USA) and the American Montessori Society (AMS). Most  training centers require a bachelor's degree for admission. Training ranges from  200 to 600 pre-service contact hours and covers principles of child develop-ment  and Montessori philosophy as well as specific uses of the Montessori classroom materials. Montessori training centers can be found across North America and around the world. 
There are other courses which can help one better understand Montessori theory or which can train adults to work in certain schools.  It is important to balance the amount o time and money one can spend with the teaching opportunities desired.

What materials are used? 


It is the philosophy and the knowledge of the  teacher that is essential in the success of a Montessori class. The  "sensorial," math, and some of the language and cultural materials (metal  insets, sandpaper letters, puzzle maps, bells, for example) are professionally  manufactured according to traditional standards that have been tested over many  years. 
However even some of these are made by newer companies that do not fully  understand the reason for certain details and so produce materials that are not  as successful. 
AMI Montessori schools, for very good reasons, make many of their own practical life and language material instead of buying them—as they learn to do in their training, depending on where in the world they live. They gather practical life materials piece by piece. 
This is an important process that gives  a unique quality to each classroom that expresses the culture, and ideas of  beauty in each community—instead of all classrooms looking alike with no personal touches.Materials in the classroom, without being used correctly by a trained teacher, are us ually worthless in creating a real Montessori class, but they can help in some ways in non-Montessori situations. For example the math materials have been used to teach a concept censoriously thus helping a child to make the abstraction. Educational materials in the Montessori method serve a very different purpose than in traditional education where the text books are ordered and the teacher  learns how to use them.  This difference is because in Montessori the child  learns from the environment, and it is the teacher's job to put the child in  touch with the environment, not to "teach" the child.  Thus the creation of the  environment, and selection of materials is done mostly by the teacher and  is  very important. In Montessori education having too many materials is often worse  than not having enough. In this country (USA) there are many materials suppliers, unfortunately, who are not Montessori trained and do not understand the purpose of materials, and who sell items that scatter the child's energy, or  waste time, clutter the environment, etc. It is very important to choose carefully when selecting materials for using the Montessori method of education in school or in the home.

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